Other Partners and Affiliates
Each summer, we have provide clinics for the various locations of the BGSA since 2012.
Program is currently under development and will be released soon.
We have provided golf clinincs for the Dearborn YMCA since 2013.
Through our national affiliation with the LPGA/USGA Girls Golf program and our local network, we provide clinics for the participants of Jack & Jill of Mobile.
Since 2016, we have participated in the Mobile Parks and Recreation's Community Partnership Program, having access to the facilities at Azalea City Golf Course.
Efforts are underway to rekindle our relationship with the BB & BS of South Alabama.
Since 2009, we have instrumentally implemented the Firsttee School Program in over 51 elementary schools in Mobile County (39 public 12 private).
Program is under development and will be presented at a future date.
Program is currently under development and will be released soon.
Partnership with Mobile County Commission to sponsor events to introduce underserved communities to the game of golf.